Thursday 5 April 2012

The Steam Locomotive in India

Hello Blogger
When I was a boy, my father taught me to love steam locomotives. I grew up reading about British, American and Indian steam engines. Lately, my passion for them has been rekindled; I do not know why; it could be due to a subconscious longing for my simple, happy and carefree childhood in the India of the 1970s. Or it could be that I have developed a new appreciation for engineering, having become a fairly experienced engineer myself.  Frequently, I think about the steam locomotives I had known while growing up in India. Sadly, they are all gone today. This web page is my tribute to these wonderful machines which faithfully served India for more than a century.
My father passed away recently.  Till his final days, he continued to pursue his interest in steam locomotives.  This website is dedicated to him.
Click on the underlined hyperlinks below to see some Indian steam engines.  In 100 years, a total of over 80 classes of steam locomotive served the broad gauge system and a similar number on metre gauge lines.  Only a few are listed here.  Some of the pictures were bought from the Corbis collection

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