Friday 22 June 2012

Varanasi, the oldest living city in the world has an auspicious place in the global arena both as a centre of culture and technology. Where the

ringing of holy bells of the temples brings the city to life, Diesel Locomotive Works is an ISO 9002 certified manufacturer of diesel electric

locomotive and is one of the biggest industrial complexes in eastern part of the country. DLW attracts lot of foreign tourists, students to

witness on going wonderful locomotive manufacturing process and is christened as Industrial
Temple of Varanasi. It is situated at the North end of the city and approximately 8 Kilometers away from the Ghats of Holy river Ganges in


Diesel Locomotive Works was set up in 1961 with technical collaboration from M/s. ALCO/USA with a modest beginning of manufacturing 4 locos

1964, today DLW is the largest Diesel Locomotive manufacturer in the world, and the largest in Asia. In order to capture export market & widen

its product range. Indian railway entered in to a contract for Transfer of Technology (TOT) with M/s. General Motors, USA for manufacture of

4000 HP state of the art locos at DLW. After assimilation of this technology , DLW will become the only factory in the world capable of

producing ALCO as well as General Motors designs of locomotives.

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