Monday 30 July 2012


 The Patiala State Monorail Tramway (PSMT) has held a fascination for railway enthusiasts since it was "rediscovered" and described in the February 1962 edition of the magazine Railway World. This was furthered by the restoration to working order of one of its locomotives at the National Railway Museum (NMR) in Delhi in the mid 1970s. However, despite two articles being published in the railway press (the article already mentioned and an article written by H R Ambler in the Railway Magazine in February 1969) confusion and misinformation surrounds the system and its history. Using these two articles and records preserved in the Asian, Pacific & African Collection of the British Library (notably Mike Satow's records), the following is an attempt to compile an accurate history of the system, both during their life time and its subsequent history after their demise. The article in the Railway World is important as its author, J R Day, had previously made a brief mention of the line in his 1957 book Unusual Railways. After its publication, Colonel C W Bowles, the engineer responsible for the construction of the PMST contacted Day providing him with much detail concerning the PSMT. This means the Day article is the nearest thing to a first hand history in existence.

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